We answer the four most important questions: 1) What worked?; 2) What did not work?; 3) What to do next?; 4) and What was my return on Investment given my media spend?
Adreka provides a unique view into the attitude, perception, behavior, and buying triggers of your target audience. We measure ALL MEDIA, including: TV, Radio, Print, Interactive, Mobile, Social Media, and physical in-venue traffic.
With an estimated 50% of media wasted, it’s the quality of Adreka’s analytics engine that will give your organization an unfair competitive advantage in any market.
- Coupon [ more ]
Whether your tracking In-Store, Internet coupons, or loyalty card redemption, Adreka tracks vital information of both the venue, and potentially your customer when coupled with social media marketing.
- Internet – Base Analytics [ more ]
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web site usage.
There are two categories of web analytics; off-site and on-site web analytics: 1) Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis irrespective of whether you own or maintain a website. It includes the measurement of a website’s potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole. 2) On-site web analytics measure a visitor’s journey once on your website. This includes its drivers and conversions; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase. On-site web analytics measures the performance of your website in a commercial context. This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for performance, and used to improve a web site or marketing campaign’s audience response.
Historically, web analytics has referred to on-site visitor measurement. However in recent years this has blurred, mainly because vendors are producing tools that span both categories. Moreover, with the advent of social media, additional media and tracking standards need to be employed to measure the attitude, behavior, and perceptions within the advertisers targeted social networks.
- Internet – Search Engine Optimization Analytics [ more ]
(SEM / SEO) is the process of making web pages/sites search engine friendly resulting in improved search engine visibility and incremental traffic. SEO isn’t a one-time effort. As the cost of Search Engine Marketing continues to rise, the value of your organic rankings grows in importance.
Adreka offers all of the tools necessary to measure and improve your web site’s search engine rankings and increase revenue. Adreka’s reporting modules include a summary, trend graphs, essential off-site metrics (link popularity and search engine saturation reporting) of the search engines that are important to your business success.
- Internet – Social Media Analytics [ more ]
A social network is a social structure made of nodes (which are generally individuals or organizations) that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, sexual relationships, kinship, dislike, conflict or trade.
Social network analysis views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. The resulting graph-based structures are often very complex. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. Research in a number of academic fields has shown that social networks operate on many levels, from families up to the level of nations, and play a critical role in determining the way problems are solved, organizations are run, and the degree to which individuals succeed in achieving their goals.
In its simplest form, a social network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. The network can also be used to determine the social capital of individual actors. These concepts are often displayed in a social network diagram, where nodes are the points and ties are the lines. It is hard to make sense of the amount of information available on the web today, especially when it relates to social networks, yet it is critical to listen and engage. Adreka developed reporting mechanisms that not only “listens” to what people are saying, but measures the “Attitudes, Behavior, and Perceptions” of those within these nodes and ties.
- Phone [ more ]
Adreka provides the ability to track and analyze phone calls. Our solution captures vital call statistics on the increase in call volume as a result of our marketing campaigns. We provide unique tracking numbers for each advertising campaign (800, local, and international). When a user arrives at your site or responds to your advertising campaign via phone, the call comes in to our phone center and then gets routed to ring on your phone.
As each call comes through our secured and redundant network, our system gathers statistical information, including caller and campaign data, and records the call for sales team performance measurement. This ensures that you are not only tracking your advertisements in the most accurate way possible, but also insuring that your sales process is fully engaged. Combined with our Marketing Dashboard, our phone sales analytics solution provides 100% tracking coverage for all users driven through your media campaign.
- Physical – Retail Intelligence [ more ]
A retail store’s potential can only be measured by the volume of qualified customers. Adreka integrates into leading retail-based tracking systems overlaying accurate traffic data with local, highly-optimized, real-time advertising data. The end result is consumer mobilization to a specific venue whereas the effectiveness of the media is judged on the quantity and quality of the patronage base.
The end result is an ideal solution for retailers, malls, casinos, financial services, and other businesses that rely heavily on foot traffic. Adreka physical analytics platform provides retailers an unfair competitive advantage by providing them with the tools needed to increase revenues, optimize offerings, and dramatically increase sales.
Are you ready to make your marketing and advertising effective and easy? Call Adreka today to learn how!