As companies continue to work their way out of our current economic rut, two truths have become apparent. First, post-recession operation models are not going to mirror pre-recession models. Plans that just dial-down and dial-up past operating models have virtually no chance of being seriously considered. Second, management teams are now expected to implement plans faster than ever before with regard to re-thinking cost structure and go-to-market strategies. Simultaneously, on the customer-facing front we are also witnessing seismic shifts in customer learn, shop and buy behaviors in the B2B market. Net–net, pressure has never been higher.
Adreka understands this and has a practical approach to helping customers transform (little “t”) their go-to-market approach, without big organizational transformation (big painful “T”). While many companies do several things well, they continue to struggle.
Adreka manages this process by leveraging a simple diagnostic assessment process that enables us to identify opportunities, quantify them and develop fact-based programs and campaigns that close the gaps and create sustainable value without turning the organization upside down in the process.